Gary Coleman Wife And Biography

Shannon Price was Gary Coleman’s wife. They married in 2007 and divorced in 2008.

Gary Coleman, an iconic actor known for his role in “Diff’rent Strokes,” married Shannon Price in 2007. Their relationship, often under public scrutiny, faced numerous challenges. Despite their brief marriage, their connection remained a topic of interest. Shannon, considerably younger, supported Gary through various health issues.

They met on the set of a film, sparking a quick romance. Unfortunately, their marriage lasted only a year, ending in divorce in 2008. Shannon remained in Gary’s life, even after their split, until he died in 2010. Their relationship highlighted the complexities of celebrity marriages and the pressures they face.

Gary Coleman’s Bio

Category Details
Full Name Gary Wayne Coleman
Birth Date February 8, 1968
Place of Birth Zion, Illinois, U.S.
Occupations Actor, comedian
Height 4 ft 8 in (142 cm)
Notable Role Arnold Jackson in the sitcom Diff’rent Strokes (1978–1986)
Awards – Young Artist Awards: Outstanding Contribution to Youth Through Entertainment (1980) and Best Young Actor in a Comedy Series (1982)

– People’s Choice Awards: Favorite Young TV Performer (1980–1983)

Death Date May 28, 2010
Cause of Death Epidural hematoma resulting from a fall at home

Gary Coleman Wife

The Early Years Of Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman was born on February 8, 1968, in Zion, Illinois. He grew up in a loving home; his parents adopted him when he was an infant. Gary’s early life was filled with joy and challenges. He had a rare kidney disease, which affected his growth, making him appear younger than his age.

Despite his health issues, Gary had a cheerful personality. His charm caught the attention of talent scouts. They saw potential in him, which paved the way for his acting career.

Rise To Stardom

Gary Coleman’s big break came with the TV show Diff’rent Strokes. He played the role of Arnold Jackson. His catchphrase, “What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?” became iconic. The show made him a household name.

Gary’s performance was loved by fans worldwide. He became one of the highest-paid child actors, and his success brought him fame and recognition.

Challenges Behind The Scenes

Despite his success, Gary faced many challenges. He struggled with his health. He needed frequent dialysis treatments. This was hard for a young boy.

Financial issues also troubled Gary. His parents managed his earnings but misused his money, leading to legal battles and strained family relationships.

Gary’s fame also brought pressure. He found it hard to transition to adult roles. The industry typecast him as a child star. This limited his acting opportunities.

Shannon Price: The Woman In Coleman’s Life

Gary Coleman, the beloved child star, shared a unique bond with Shannon Price. Their relationship was filled with ups and downs. Let’s explore their journey together, from their first encounter to building a relationship.

First Encounter

Gary Coleman met Shannon Price in 2007. Their paths crossed on the set of the film Church Ball. Shannon, a young actress, quickly caught Gary’s eye. They felt an instant connection.

Their meeting led to a whirlwind romance. Within a few months, they decided to take their relationship to the next level. On August 28, 2007, the couple tied the knot in a private ceremony.

Building A Relationship

Gary and Shannon worked hard to build a life together. They faced many challenges. Gary’s health issues often put a strain on their marriage. Despite the difficulties, they remained committed to each other.

Challenges Efforts
Health Problems Support and Care
Media Scrutiny Maintaining Privacy

The couple’s relationship was not without its struggles. Public scrutiny and personal issues tested their bond. They appeared on reality TV shows to share their story, hoping to inspire others.

Despite facing many hardships, their love endured. Shannon stood by Gary, showcasing her dedication. Their relationship, though tumultuous, highlighted the importance of commitment and support.

The Marriage Under The Spotlight

Gary Coleman Wife

Gary Coleman’s marriage to Shannon Price was often in the public eye. Their relationship faced many challenges but also had moments of triumph. Let’s explore the intricacies of their marriage.

Public Perception

The public had mixed feelings about Gary and Shannon’s marriage. Many fans admired Gary’s bravery in sharing his personal life, yet others criticized the couple’s frequent media appearances.

Media outlets often highlighted their conflicts and disagreements. This constant scrutiny added stress to their relationship. Despite this, Gary and Shannon continued to face the challenges together.

Struggles And Triumphs

Gary and Shannon’s marriage was not without its struggles. They faced financial difficulties and health issues. Gary’s health problems were a significant burden on their relationship.

Despite these challenges, there were moments of joy and triumph. They celebrated their love with small victories in their daily life. They supported each other through tough times and celebrated the good times.

Struggles Triumphs
Financial difficulties Strong emotional support
Health issues Moments of happiness
Media scrutiny Shared love

Their relationship was a blend of public challenges and private joys. Despite the ups and downs, their bond remained significant.

Controversies And Complications

Gary Coleman’s life was full of ups and downs. His relationship with his wife was no different. Their marriage faced many challenges. These included legal battles and media scrutiny.

Legal Battles

Gary Coleman and his wife had many legal issues. They filed for divorce multiple times and had disputes over property and money, which often ended up in court. Their legal battles were well-publicized, adding to the stress in their relationship.

Media Scrutiny

The media closely followed Gary’s relationship with his wife. Every fight and argument made headlines. This constant attention was intricate for the couple. The media often painted a negative picture, which only made their problems worse. The scrutiny deeply affected their personal lives.

Issue Impact
Legal Battles Stress and financial strain
Media Scrutiny Public pressure and negative image

Health Issues And Their Impact

Gary Coleman Wife

Gary Coleman’s health issues deeply affected his life. These issues also impacted his marriage with Shannon Price. Let’s explore how his health battles influenced their relationship.

Coleman’s Health Battles

Gary Coleman battled many health problems. He had kidney disease from a young age. This disease required frequent dialysis treatments. Coleman also underwent multiple kidney transplants.

His health issues did not end there. He also suffered from seizures. These seizures were unpredictable and added stress to his life. Coleman’s short stature was due to a congenital kidney disease. This condition stunted his growth.

Below is a table summarizing his major health issues:

Health Issue Description
Kidney Disease Required dialysis and transplants
Seizures Unpredictable and frequent
Short Stature Result of congenital kidney disease

Effect On The Marriage

Gary Coleman’s health problems strained his marriage. Shannon Price often had to care for him. This caregiving role added stress to their relationship.

The frequent medical emergencies were challenging. These emergencies made it hard for them to enjoy everyday life. Financial strain also played a role. Medical bills piled up quickly, adding to their stress.

Here are some impacts on their marriage:

  • Increased stress from caregiving
  • Frequent medical emergencies
  • Financial strain from medical bills

Their relationship faced many challenges. Despite these issues, they tried to support each other. The impact of health issues on their marriage was undeniable.

Financial Turbulence

Gary Coleman’s life had many ups and downs. His wife experienced the same. Their financial struggles were well-known. These struggles were marked by debt and the high cost of fame.

Dealing With Debt

Debt was a constant challenge for Gary Coleman and his wife. They faced mounting bills and financial obligations. These debts stemmed from various sources:

  • Medical expenses
  • Legal fees
  • Living costs

Medical expenses were a significant burden. Gary’s health issues required costly treatments. Legal fees added to their financial strain. They faced lawsuits and legal battles over the years.

Living costs also contributed to their debt. Maintaining a household and covering daily expenses was tough. Gary and his wife had to find ways to manage their finances.

The Cost Of Fame

Fame brought its own set of financial challenges. Gary Coleman’s career had highs and lows. The cost of fame impacted their finances in several ways:

  1. Unstable income
  2. Public scrutiny
  3. Professional pressures

Unstable income was a significant issue. Gary’s career had periods of success and decline. This instability made financial planning easier. Public scrutiny added stress to their lives. They were constantly in the spotlight.

Professional pressures were another factor. The entertainment industry is demanding. Gary and his wife had to navigate these pressures while managing their finances. They faced the challenge of balancing fame and financial stability.

The financial turbulence in their lives was significant. Dealing with debt and the cost of fame shaped their experiences. They had to find ways to manage these challenges together.

The Untimely Demise Of Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman, a beloved actor, passed away suddenly. His death left fans heartbroken. The world knew him for his role in Diff’rent Strokes. His wife, Shannon Price, was at his side during his final days. This section sheds light on his untimely demise.

Final Days

Gary Coleman’s final days were filled with medical struggles. He faced multiple health issues. His wife, Shannon Price, tried to support him. She was there through his hospital visits. Gary’s health took a turn for the worse in May 2010.

Date Event
May 26, 2010 Gary Coleman fell at home
May 27, 2010 Rushed to the hospital
May 28, 2010 Gary Coleman passed away

After his fall, Gary was rushed to the hospital. Despite efforts, he did not recover. He passed away on May 28, 2010, at the age of 42.

The Aftermath

Gary Coleman’s death shocked fans worldwide. Many mourned the talented actor’s loss. His wife, Shannon Price, faced intense media scrutiny, and reports and rumours began to circulate.

  • Shannon faced questions about their relationship.
  • Legal battles ensued regarding Gary’s estate.
  • Fans expressed their grief online.

Shannon Price’s life changed after Gary’s death. She dealt with both public and private challenges. The couple’s story remains a topic of interest. Their love and struggles continue to captivate many.

Legacy And Remembering Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman was a beloved actor. He brought joy to many. His legacy continues to inspire. His wife played a crucial role in preserving his memory.

Coleman’s Contributions

Gary Coleman starred in the hit TV show Diff’rent Strokes. His role as Arnold Jackson made him famous. He was known for his catchphrase, “What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”

His talent extended beyond acting. He was also a comedian. He made guest appearances on various shows. Gary’s work left a lasting impact on fans and peers.

Life After Gary

After Gary’s passing, his wife faced many challenges. She worked hard to keep his memory alive, often sharing stories about him and making sure fans remembered his joy and humour.

Gary’s wife also supported various charities. Through her actions, she honoured his legacy and continued celebrating his life and contributions.

Aspect Details
Gary’s Famous Role Arnold Jackson in Diff’rent Strokes
Catchphrase “What’chu talkin’ ’bout, Willis?”
Posthumous Activities Charity support and public stories

Gary Coleman’s contributions to entertainment were immense. His legacy lives on through the memories shared by his wife.

Social Media Profile

Wikipedia Click here
IMDB Click here


Gary Coleman’s life was full of ups and downs, including his relationships. Understanding his marriage adds depth to his story. His wife played a significant role in his later years. Remembering their journey offers insight into the complexities of celebrity life and personal struggles.

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